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Justin cocktail 2023
Me and my partner enjoying some cocktails at the Montréal Fairmount Hotel, 2023.
📷 :Alex

A Brief Bio #

Welcome! My name is Justin Li (李隽耀). I was born in Stockholm, and grew up in Foshan, hometown of many kung fu masters like Ip man. I then moved to Montréal during my teenage years and pursued higher education in French and English. I received my Bachelor’s degree in physics and computer science from McGill University in 2018. I wanted to specialize in a subject that intersects the two fields, which led me to cryptography, a challenging subject that is quintessential in our modern technological days. Under the mentorship of Professor Claude Crépeau, a renowned expert in quantum cryptography and co-inventor of the quantum teleportation protocol, I obtained my Master’s degree in computer science in 2021. My thesis introduced a way to build bit commitments, a basic cryptographic protocol, using quantum games.

While writing my thesis, I interned at Optable to implement a state-of-the art private set intersection (PSI) protocol to enable its application in data clean room technologies. I contributed largely to the KKRT protocol in the open-source library match, and have since then maintained and contributed more to the library. For example, the support for the latest Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation (PAIR) protocol announced by Google DV360 and adopted by the IAB Tech Lab is my latest work.

Outside of academia and work, I enjoy expanding my horizons by travelling and learning about different cultures. I also still have enough discipline to keep my body active by engaging in various outdoor activities and sports. For instance, I have signed up for a half marathon for summer 2025!

Other Interests #

  • Dragonboat 🐲 🚣, biking and hiking.
  • Traveling and sample local cuisines.
  • Re-create local cuisines.
  • Scientific experiments powered by programming.
Justin Li
Justin Li
A software developer who enjoys the occasional amazing cup of coffee.